Learning.dental is the leading dental training platform in Morocco.

With our innovative and forward-thinking approach, we offer exclusive services, designed specifically for dental training, allowing you to offer dental professionals the best possible training experience, at the highest standards.

Who we are
The first and only online dental continuing education platform in Morocco
Who we are
The first and only training center designed exclusively for dental training in Morocco

Organizing your trainings

The continuous training of dental professionals is a must, in order to support them in their integration of new technologies that are revolutionizing their activity day by day, or simply to train them to specific techniques or introduce them to disciplines that they do not practice .

Good organization and communication around each training course are necessary in order to get the most out of it.

Our support in this operation will be of great value and will allow you to free yourself from the burden of organization so that you can focus on your core business.

Who we are

We take care of all training aspects :

  • Pre-event communication
  • Registrations
  • •Training preparation and organization
  • Catering
  • Live streaming sessions during the event
  • Post-event communication

Hybrid trainings

Hybrid training is an exclusive innovation from Learning.dental in Morocco. All theoretical courses are done online on our website, and workshops / hands on / coaching are done in our training center.

This approach makes it possible to best adapt to participants time and travel constraints, allowing them to learn at their own pace and at their ease, and to move only for practical work.

Hybrid training is very successful! It is very appreciated by the participants who have already adopted it.

Who we are
Online courses

Today, online courses are the best option for the theoretical part of the training. They make it possible to adapt to space and time constraints, while guaranteeing effective learning, with the possibility of validating what has been learned and resuming lessons at any time if necessary.

All online courses are produced by our teams, in our studio, and meet strict requirements regarding content, form and intellectual property.

Who we are
Workshops and hands on

In parallel with the theoretical online courses, practical work sessions are organized in our training center, during which participants can discover and handle the products and equipment they studied during the theoretical courses.

Our various partners provide us with all the necessary equipment for workshops and can even provide on-site demonstrations.

It’s the best way for suppliers to promote their products, and it’s also the best way for participants to make the right choices about their purchases and investments.

Who we are


Who we are

Finally, to concretize all what the participants have learned, each of them will be coached by the trainer, on a real case, presenting all the techniques learned.


Sponsored courses

The sponsored courses are an offer for dental brands and suppliers, allowing them to train their customers on their different solutions in an efficient way, with a high reach and a reduced cost.

These trainings are completely free for participants, and can be accessed anywhere, anytime and on any device for the online part.

On the website, on the course page, the supplier can also put downloadable content (brochures, catalogs, etc.), as well as its contact details to facilitate customer contact.

Booths during our events

Our training center is visited by the dental community throughout the year. We organize different events every week. We give dental suppliers the opportunity to display their products and demonstrate them to attendees at these events.

This allows participants to see and handle the products they have studied and helps to speed up the purchasing process by making it more efficient.

Who we are

Live streaming sessions

Learning.dental offers you live streaming of all the activities you organize.

A link can be sent to your target, which will allow them to attend your event remotely. They will also be able to interact by asking questions or requesting a demonstration not initially planned. Everything is filmed professionally and broadcasted live in our own way*.

Dental providers can place advertisements in the form of banners or video capsules, which are integrated at different times during the session.

Your activities will reach even those who are absent

The live session remains published for one year at least. Your targets will be able to access it at any time after the event. This allows you to maximize the impact of your event.


Visibility on the website

Learning.dental website and social media gather an important community of dental professionals, which continues to grow day by day, thanks to the events we organize and the massive investment in online advertising that we make.

We offer you the opportunity to take advantage of it to increase your visibility and notoriety.

You can choose several visibility formats: header, sidebar, footer, banner… for the durations you want.

Who we are
Sponsored scientific articles

In addition to online courses, Learning.dental website also offers to its visitors recent scientific articles, carefully selected by our scientific committee.

We offer you the opportunity to publish scientific articles that highlight your products, brands or technologies.

Scientific articles remain published on the website for the duration you choose.

Who we are

Few numbers…

Website visits

E-learning courses solded

Live streams


Don’t wait
join the leading platform in dental training and communication today !

Formations en médecine dentaire